I come from Taiwan which is a small island next to China. The government of Taiwan is confused. People of China always think that Taiwan is belongs to China, but many Taiwanese do not think so. People are always argue about that.
However, my community is very simple. I go to school, I work, I play with my friend. It is all my live. It is all because the things that are complex are dealed with by my parents. Although I am not a child anymore, my parents worry about everything I do.
All the people I meet are very friendly. No matter my friends, my relatives ,my neighbors, my colleagues, my classmates, or my teachers. They really treat me good. Like my cousins, some of them are students, and some of them has been married. They told me that what kind of major is better and the major has to be based on my interesting. They help me alot about my school.
I hope that I can participate something with my parents like deal with the finance of my family. I hope I can help them, not just know nothing and always do the things I like.
By the way, I am a Chinese, but I am not from China. I come from Taiwan.
Well, I am from China. I think that we have different opinions whether Taiwan is independent or nor base on the education we get.
回覆刪除When I was a child, I was taught that Taiwan belongs to China. All of us are Chinese. Taiwan will be a part of PRC in the future.
However, Taiwanese believe they are independent because of education they have got.
It is someting about political. Anyway, both of us are Chinese, wherever we came from.